Do you know the Gold Standard for Making Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)? 

The Red Cross Does, and so does Exo Advantage!

The American Red Cross logo.

The Exo Advantage System Offers:

Significant Savings

A round navy and light blue icon of waves with two dots on either side.

Superior Biologics for Your Patients

A round navy and light blue icon of waves with two dots on either side.

Simple Processes for Your Staff

A round navy and light blue icon of waves with two dots on either side.

Increased Capabilities/Cutting Edge Protocols

A round navy and light blue icon of waves with two dots on either side.

Research has shown that an absolute count of over 10 billion platelets and over 1.5 billion platelets per ml is the threshold for PRP dosage to optimally treat knee OA. The Exo Advantage system consistently delivers over 10 billion platelets.

Finally Get Access to Improved Results at Lower Cost

The current Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) standard and requirements in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) indicate that the processing of whole blood donations into its various therapeutic fractions as administered by the nation’s blood banking industry relies on a two-step centrifugation process with an interim precise decant step.

By miniaturizing the equipment used by the nation’s blood banking industry to match the needs of a clinic like yours, we provide a process that is more affordable and higher performing.

  • Commercial Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMAC) kits available do not concentrate the full potential of cells, platelets, proteins, and exosomes available from the starting sample. We know that the entire dose matters. The EXO Advantage solution allows you to affordably create platelet doses above the minimum thresholds established in the literature while also concentrating on these other important proteins.

  • Our solution disrupts the industry by being radically affordable as measured by:

    • Cost per procedure

    • Cost per billion platelets delivered

    • Increase over baseline

    • Or any other independent measure

  • This elegant solution is customizable giving you the ability to easily transition from a Leukocyte-Poor to a Leukocyte-Rich PRP. This is accomplished by precisely decanting at the interface of plasma, white cells, and red cells after the first centrifugation step. 

Boffa A, De Marziani L, Andriolo L, Di Martino A, Romandini I, Zaffagnini S, Filardo G. Influence of Platelet Concentration on the Clinical Outcome of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections in Knee Osteoarthritis. Am J Sports Med. 2024 Nov;52(13):3223-3231. doi: 10.1177/03635465241283463. Epub 2024 Oct 14. PMID: 39397728; PMCID: PMC11542321.

Dr. Kyriakides headshot.

Dr. Christopher Kyriakides, NYU Langone, Regenerative Sports Care Institute (RSI), 360 Pain Care and Orthopedics

“Exo Advantage has been able to bring the performance and affordability of the blood bank into the clinic. Radically affordable, superior performance.”